úterý 17. srpna 2021



Hi guys how are you today? After longer time I want itroduce to you a new e-shop which I found because of  my email.
The e-shop is called lover-beauty. It is focused on for shaping undrerwear clothes for women who want more perfectly body shapes or who love this type of underwear clothes.

Except of underwear clothes there is also sportwear for women. It involves yoga leggins, sport top and sport set. It is made from solid and nice material. The price for leggins and tops is from 5 dollars for 11 dollars. Sport set is a  more xpensive because there are two pieces of clothes. The price is between 10 - 16 dollars. 

One of the most important and for me the most interesting cathegory of underwear clothes is shapewear wholesale. There are many shaping clothes like a special pants, full body clothes, shorts and so on. You can see one of the example on my picture. The price depent on the type of clothes which you like. This clothes I can recomend, beacuse of great style.


The second very famous and important cathegory which I want describe you is with body shaper buttock lifter. Example you can see again on my picture.  Do you kno Nicky Minaj and another stars from America who want effect of big ass? This clothes has lifter effect but it makes effect of bigger ass too.

Official describtion from e-shop:
The most scientific design, intended to make you have a more proud figure. This Brown Large Size High Waist Plus Size Butt Lifter With Hooks is a must-have to give you curves in all the right places.

Some more informations:
This clothes is suitable like waist trainer, butt lifter and thingh slimer. The wearing is easily because of good solution of row closure of hook. This clothes give your body better shape like a popular hourglassshape.
Nothing push, it is comfortable and invisible. You can wear with this jeans, shorts, dress and so on.
You can wear it in every year season.


I think that the website offer a really amazing choice for you, there are a wide range of clothes for shaping and prices are really good. It is excellent that you can find body shapers around 5 dollars.
Do you know this page? Do you wear this clothes a what do you think about this?

1 komentář:

  1. Je super, že píšeš články i v angličtině, ale možná rada pro příště.. zkus si po sobě text přečíst. Často máš zpřeházená či vynechaná písmenka a některé fráze mi přijdou jako trošku čengliš. Nejsem žádný velký angličtinář, ale když už tak ať to aspoň nebije tolik do očí. Třeba ti pomůže doplněk do googlu, který používám například já - Grammarly. Ten upozorňuje na chyby v gramatice a ukazuje ti i možnosti, jak to napsat správně. :)
