Another country for which I write a special article is Italy. Although I have only been to Italy twice so far, thanks to our trip with Hanča and my ex-boyfriend, I have traveled to several places ...
Jsou to tři roky zpátky, kdy jsem poprvé byla na pravé rybářské dovolené. Já a tehdy ještě můj přítel jsme vyrazili společně ještě s jedním párem a kamarády na řeku Pád, kde jsme strávili týden v Houseboatu. Ačkoliv po rybářské stránce byla dovolená ubohost, kluci příliš úspěšných úlovků neměli a bylo nemilosrdné teplo (kolem 40 stupňů na slunci), dovolenou jsem si užila, bylo to pro mě něco nového, co jen tak nikdo z mých přátel nezažije. Fascinovala mě i samotná řeka, její šíře, její divokost po dešti a můj strach z klád, které se nám zasekávali do prutů, houseboatu a podobně... Navíc jsme se v řece i koupali, poměrně dost jsme se opálily a v té době se i hodně sblížili.
It's been three years when I first went on a real fishing holiday. My friend and I went with the couple and friends on the Po River, where we spent a week in the Houseboat. Although the holiday in terms of fishing was miserable, the boys did not have very successful catches and it was relentless heat (around 40 degrees in the sun), I enjoyed the holiday, it was something new.. I was also fascinated by the river , its width, its crazy after the rain and I had fear of logs that got stuck in our rods, houseboat and the like ... In addition, we even swam in the river, we got quite a tan and at that time we were very close friendship.
It's been three years when I first went on a real fishing holiday. My friend and I went with the couple and friends on the Po River, where we spent a week in the Houseboat. Although the holiday in terms of fishing was miserable, the boys did not have very successful catches and it was relentless heat (around 40 degrees in the sun), I enjoyed the holiday, it was something new.. I was also fascinated by the river , its width, its crazy after the rain and I had fear of logs that got stuck in our rods, houseboat and the like ... In addition, we even swam in the river, we got quite a tan and at that time we were very close friendship.

Sottomarina je město nacházející se blízko Benátek. Ubytovali jsme se v apartmánech v blízkosti moře a měli i svoji pláž s lehátky. Pláž byla krásná, písečná a na pláži spousta barů. Moře bylo krásné, čisté, ale na pláži byl částečně nános vodních rostlin, které v určitých místech lehce zapáchaly, naštěstí nános nebyl po celé pláži... Apartmánový komplex měl v ceně ještě bazén, do kterého se nesmělo bez koupací čepice! A dále možnost tenisu. Jedinou nevýhodu shledávám v tom, že byl docela velký problém najít ve městě bankomat na proměnění peněz.
Sottomarina is a city located near Venice. We stayed in apartments near the sea and had our own beach with sunbeds. The beach was beautiful, sandy and the beach had a lot of bars. The sea was beautiful, clean, but on the beach there were partly of aquatic plants, which smelled slightly in some places, fortunately they were not all over the beach ... The apartment complex also included a swimming pool, which was not allowed without a bathing cap! And the possibility of tennis. The only downside I find is that it was quite a big problem to find an ATM.
Sottomarina is a city located near Venice. We stayed in apartments near the sea and had our own beach with sunbeds. The beach was beautiful, sandy and the beach had a lot of bars. The sea was beautiful, clean, but on the beach there were partly of aquatic plants, which smelled slightly in some places, fortunately they were not all over the beach ... The apartment complex also included a swimming pool, which was not allowed without a bathing cap! And the possibility of tennis. The only downside I find is that it was quite a big problem to find an ATM.

Do Bergama jsem vyrazila společně s kamarádkou a byla to první z našich dovolených #holkynatripu. Letěli jsme letadlem z Brna a zcela na vlastní pěst. Ubytovaný jsme byli v nové části města přes AIRNB, doporučuji ubytování ve staré části, která působí jak uličky v Chorvatských městech a je podstatně živější. Kromě staré části město turistům příliš otevřené nebylo, bary, ale i restaurace v nové části byli v noci zavřené... Jinak město jako takové je moc pěkné. :)
I went to Bergamo with a friend and it was the first of our #holkynatrip vacations. We flew by plane from Brno and completely on our own. We were accommodated in a new part of town through AIRNB, I recommend accommodation in the old part, which operates like streets in Croatian cities and is much livelier. Apart from the old part, the city was not very open to tourists, the bars but also the restaurants in the new part were closed at night ... Otherwise, the city is very nice. :)
I went to Bergamo with a friend and it was the first of our #holkynatrip vacations. We flew by plane from Brno and completely on our own. We were accommodated in a new part of town through AIRNB, I recommend accommodation in the old part, which operates like streets in Croatian cities and is much livelier. Apart from the old part, the city was not very open to tourists, the bars but also the restaurants in the new part were closed at night ... Otherwise, the city is very nice. :)

Jezero Iseo je alpské jezero nejblíže Bergamu. Sem se snadno dostanete z Bergama běžnou autobusovou linkou. Jezero mělo krásnou průzračnou vodu, bylo celkem teplé. Pláže byly veřejné, travnaté, ale ve vodě byli při plavání dál vodní rostliny. Navíc u jezera byla jedna jediná restaurace, která byla zaměřená jen na mořské chody a ještě k tomu strašně předražená, o kousek dál byl i stánek z fast foodem a nápoji.
Lake Iseo is the alpine lake closest to Bergamo. You can easily get here from Bergamo by a regular bus service. The lake had beautiful clear water, it was quite warm. The beaches were public, grassy, but there were still aquatic plants swimming in the water. In addition, there was only one restaurant by the lake, which was focused only on seafood and also terribly overpriced, a short distance away was a stall with fast food and drinks.
MILÁNO/ MilanoLake Iseo is the alpine lake closest to Bergamo. You can easily get here from Bergamo by a regular bus service. The lake had beautiful clear water, it was quite warm. The beaches were public, grassy, but there were still aquatic plants swimming in the water. In addition, there was only one restaurant by the lake, which was focused only on seafood and also terribly overpriced, a short distance away was a stall with fast food and drinks.
Za mě je ideální navštívit Miláno vlakem a doprovovat se po městě metrem, uvidíte nejen nákupní střediska a známé značky, ale také úchvatné staré nádraží, katedrálu a nejznámější shopping centrum, kde jsou značky typu Gucci a podobně... A pokud nechcete dát vysokou sumu za občerstvení v luxuní restauraci, tak na městě je několik levnějších stánků s drobným občerstvením, či McDonald´s.
For me, it is ideal to visit Milan by train and travel around the city by metro, you will see not only shopping malls and famous brands, but also the stunning old train station, cathedral and the most famous shopping center, where there are Gucci brands and the like ... And if you do not want to give a high sum for refreshments in a luxury restaurant, so in the city there are several cheaper stalls with small snacks, or McDonald's.
For me, it is ideal to visit Milan by train and travel around the city by metro, you will see not only shopping malls and famous brands, but also the stunning old train station, cathedral and the most famous shopping center, where there are Gucci brands and the like ... And if you do not want to give a high sum for refreshments in a luxury restaurant, so in the city there are several cheaper stalls with small snacks, or McDonald's.
Camogli je menší městečko blízko Janova. Městečko leží u moře a je významný barevnými domy, jež lemují na kopcích celé pobřeží. Vlny v moři jsou poměrně vysoké, občas až tak divoké, že sahají ke kostelíků, který vykukuje za mnou na fotografii.
Camogli is a little town near Genoa. The town lies by the sea and is famous beacause of colorful houses that line the hills along the coast. The waves in the sea are quite high, sometimes so wild that they reach to the church, which you can see behind me in the photo.
Dovolená na hausbotu musela být fakt zajímavá. Mě by lákalo takhle strávit dovolenou v Holandsku na kanálech ;-)
OdpovědětVymazatByla skvělá, bylo to něco jiného a nového. :) V Holandsku by to byla krása. Třeba ti to někdy vyjde. :)
VymazatKrásné místa jsi navštívila. Ten houseboat musel být super.
OdpovědětVymazatPovídání nejen o kosmetice
Bylo. :)
VymazatV Taliansku som zatiaľ navštívila iba Benátky (vrelo odporúčam!), Treviso, Palmanovu a pár ďalších menších miest po okolí, ale veľmi ma láka Miláno, je to nádherné mesto 😍