Po pondělním výletu následovaly dva dny klidového režimu v areálu našeho hotelu a v oblasti promenády. Úterní dopoledne jsme s Hankou trávily u bazénu a konečně jsem nafotila náš hotel. Odpoledne jsme šly k moři a poté se projít na druhý konec promenády k molům. Jelikož mezi moly nebyly žádné vlny a hladina byla poměrně klidná, měly jsme možnost zahlédnout "stovky" medúz a různých mořských potvůrek.
Monday's trip was followed by two days of rest in the area of our hotel and in the area of the promenade. Hanka and I spent Tuesday morning by the pool, and I finally took a picture of our hotel. In the afternoon we went to the sea and then walk to the other end of the promenade to the piers. Since there were no waves between the piers and the surface was relatively calm, we had the opportunity to see "hundreds" of jellyfishes and various sea creatures.
Monday's trip was followed by two days of rest in the area of our hotel and in the area of the promenade. Hanka and I spent Tuesday morning by the pool, and I finally took a picture of our hotel. In the afternoon we went to the sea and then walk to the other end of the promenade to the piers. Since there were no waves between the piers and the surface was relatively calm, we had the opportunity to see "hundreds" of jellyfishes and various sea creatures.