Na druhý den jsme si naplánovaly výjezd k jezeru Iseu, které je jedno z nejbližších alpských jezer k Bergamu. Autobusem jsme dojely na náměstí městečka Sarnico a odsuď jsme šly asi 20 minut na pláž. Na pláž jsme šly kolem promenády, která mi mírně připomínala promenády u moře. U jezera byl krásný výhled na městečka v okolí a na hory, které celé Iseo obklopovaly.
The next day we planned a trip to Lake Iseo, which is one of the closest alpine lakes to Bergamo. We went by a bus from Bergamo to the centre of Sarnico and from there we walked about 20 minutes to the beach. We went to the beach around the promenade, which reminded me slightly of the promenade by the sea. By the lake, there was a beautiful view of the nearby towns and the mountains that surrounded all lake.
The next day we planned a trip to Lake Iseo, which is one of the closest alpine lakes to Bergamo. We went by a bus from Bergamo to the centre of Sarnico and from there we walked about 20 minutes to the beach. We went to the beach around the promenade, which reminded me slightly of the promenade by the sea. By the lake, there was a beautiful view of the nearby towns and the mountains that surrounded all lake.
Pláž byla travnatá, přístup do vody byl skrze betonové schody, či kameny. Vstup na pláž byl zadarmo. Voda byla průzračná a příjemně teplá, ale byly v ní vodní rostliny, občas vyčnívaly jak nějaké vodní kaktusy, což nebylo nic příjemného, když Hanča plavala dál od břehu.
The beach was grassy, access to the water was through concrete stairs or stones. The entrance to the beach was free. The water was clear and pleasantly warm, but there were aquatic plants, sometimes protruding like some water cacti, which was not pleasant when Hanča was swimming away from the coast.
The beach was grassy, access to the water was through concrete stairs or stones. The entrance to the beach was free. The water was clear and pleasantly warm, but there were aquatic plants, sometimes protruding like some water cacti, which was not pleasant when Hanča was swimming away from the coast.
Na pláži byl jeden bar s pitím a sendviči a restaurace. Navštívily jsme obojí. Z restaurace jsme byly zklamané, i když chuťové pohárky rozhodně zklamáním netrpěly. Dala jsem si tuňáka s opečenými brambory a Hanča hovězí biftek. Celé toto i s vodou nás vyšlo dohromady asi na 50 éček a k tomu nám ještě naúčtovali pečivo, o které jsme si neřekly...
On the beach there was one bar with drinks and sandwiches and a restaurant. We visited both. I was disappointed from restaurant, although the taste buds certainly did not suffer disappointment. I had tuna with fried potatoes and Hana has beefsteak. All of this, together with the water costed around 50 euro, and we also payd pastries which we did not order.
On the beach there was one bar with drinks and sandwiches and a restaurant. We visited both. I was disappointed from restaurant, although the taste buds certainly did not suffer disappointment. I had tuna with fried potatoes and Hana has beefsteak. All of this, together with the water costed around 50 euro, and we also payd pastries which we did not order.
Then we spent the rest of the afternoon in Bergamo ...
Vyzerá to tam nádherne :) Aj to jedlo, dokonalosť :)
OdpovědětVymazatGorgeous post Hun, love these photos! x
OdpovědětVymazatGrace Louise ||
Krásné fotky, moc ti to sluší! A to jídlo, mňam! :P <3
OdpovědětVymazatTak to vypadá skvěle! ♥
OdpovědětVymazatLittle Dreamer
Moc hezké fotky! :) vypadá to fakt super!
OdpovědětVymazatMoc hezký fotky <3 Muselo to tam být super, trošku mě mrzí že jsme taky nenavštívili tyhle místa, ale snad příště :)