pátek 29. října 2021

Christmas is coming in clothes

Krásný den přeji všem stálým i novým čtenářům. Dnes bych vám jen zkráceně chtěla představit novinky na e-shopu Popopie, který mě oslovil s nabídkou o spolupráci. Nejsem si jistá, zdali jsem vám o něm již psala. Každopádně e-shop je zaměřen na kategorii rodičů a dětí. Nově na něm najdete například vánočně laděné sety i pro celou rodinu, nebo Black Friday slevy. Dle mého názoru je e-shop celkem přehledný a i když jsem  z něj doposud nic neobjednávala celkově se mi na první pohled líbí.  

Ein schöner Tag für alle Stamm- und Neuleser. Heute möchte ich Ihnen nur kurz die Neuigkeiten zum Popopie E-Shop vorstellen, der mit einem Kooperationsangebot an mich herangetreten ist. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich Ihnen schon einmal über ihn geschrieben habe. In jedem Fall konzentriert sich der E-Shop auf die Kategorie Eltern und Kinder. Neu darauf finden Sie zum Beispiel weihnachtlich abgestimmte Sets für die ganze Familie oder Black Friday-Rabatte. Meiner Meinung nach ist der E-Shop recht übersichtlich und obwohl ich noch nichts dort bestellt habe, gefällt er mir auf den ersten Blick.

Have a nice day and a beautiful Saturday to all regular and new readers of the blog. As we all know, tomorrow will be the end of October and with it comes the last autumn month - November. And it is in November that shops start to fill up the most with Christmas things, and Christmas-themed ads will start popping up on you on the Internet. Personally, I am a person who does not underestimate the purchase of Christmas gifts. I don't like standing in long lines. I prefer to have an overview of things written. It is always a clear choice for me to write down gifts and total funds and buy them a month or two earlier. Yes it's me and maybe you're different. Anyway, today I would like to introduce you to a new e-shop, called a popopieshop, which focuses mainly on children and their parents. Maybe you've heard about the e-shop from me and maybe from someone else. You will see.

Anyway, I really like the e-shop pages, they are clear and you can easily find what interests you. The e-shop has several categories focused on new arrivals, couples' clothes, clothes for babies, toddlers, children and pregnant and non-pregnant women. Plus, of course, you will also find accessories here.

Speaking of Christmas, I would like to focus your attention on family matching outfits, which are outfits for parents with children. You must have seen them somewhere on the internet. It's magical when mom or dad dresses like a daughter or son and they're in harmony. With the arrival of Christmas, Popopie prepared clothes for the whole family in traditional festive colors such as red, green, blue, gold and the like. Plus is the motive, isn't it? An example of these beautiful sets can be found in the picture. Personally, I think this is a great choice. If I had children, I would definitely choose something.

If you are a mom who will not miss any discount, you will definitely be interested in the Black Friday mommy and me outfits offer. Yes, as every year, Black Friday is incredibly close and discounts will be waiting for you. Take a look at the individual clothes for children, for example, it's so cute. What do you think. By the way, do you know this store? Do you like it?

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