Moje láska k blogování a sdílení na sociální sítě mě postupně přivedla k práci v marketingu – to už víte. Díky tomu, že se pohybuji ve světě reklamy a sociálních sítí, často vyhledávám příležitosti, jak navázat kontakt s lidmi z oboru. A právě proto jsem nemohla chybět na Eventfestu.
My love for blogging and sharing on social media eventually led me to a career in marketing – as you probably already know. Since I work in the world of advertising and social media, I’m always looking for opportunities to connect with people from the industry. That’s exactly why I couldn’t miss Eventfest.
A co jsem tam dělala? Miluji lidi, networking a propojení businessu se zábavou – což tento festival dokonale umožnil. Navíc jsem to spojila s výletem do Prahy a návštěvou kamaráda.
This festival, held annually in Prague, brings together event organizers, catering suppliers, service providers, and other professionals. The program includes a mix of lectures, workshops, and exhibition booths where exhibitors are more than happy to showcase their services and products. And what about food? No worries there! About half of the booths are from catering companies, hotels, or restaurants that are happy to keep you at their stand with some delicious treats, like traditional open sandwiches or other snacks.
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