Od víkendu jsem očekávala trochu něco jiného, ideálně nějaký skvělý výlet, do přírody, do skal, někam za vyhlídkou zakončenou výtečnou večeří v teple domova, či někde v restauraci, no nestalo se, ale ani tak si nestěžuji. Prožila jsem krásný víkend doma, více méně v našem městě. V bytě bylo stále co uklízet a tak je téměř podzimní úklid dokončen. Sbírali jsme ořechy a chvílemi jsem odpočívala po naší dámské jízdě s Hančou, která se podezřele až moc dobře vyvedla.
I expected more from weekend, I had belived that I went to good trip to nature, maybe to rocks for amazing view and after this on delicious dinner at home or somewhere to restaurant. It was not happened but I don´t complain, because I had a lovely weekend at home in our city. In our flat was many things for cleaning, so we have autumn cleaning almost done. We picked nuts and I relaxed after our ladies night with Hana, which was very good.
I expected more from weekend, I had belived that I went to good trip to nature, maybe to rocks for amazing view and after this on delicious dinner at home or somewhere to restaurant. It was not happened but I don´t complain, because I had a lovely weekend at home in our city. In our flat was many things for cleaning, so we have autumn cleaning almost done. We picked nuts and I relaxed after our ladies night with Hana, which was very good.
vest: F&F, t-shirt: Kik, pant: Promod, Shoes: Deichmann |