Co se tedy událo?
Hi today I have for you new post, it is post about my last year 2018, I was inspirated by your posts about last year, yea I am "offline"and I don´t write on your blogs commentaries, but I still read blogs and next reason is that I want write this post, because I will see my every moments from last year. So what happened last year?
Z těchto měsíců nemám příliš fotek, čas jsem trávila především četbou na bakalářku, s tím byla spojena moje registrace v knihovně na MUNI. Dále jsme byli poprvé s přítelem na stěně (fotku nemám) a čas jsem jinak trávila zcela běžným způsobem.
From these months I do not have a lot of photos, I spent the time mainly by reading of books for a bachelor's thesis, so I had to doing my registration in the library at MUNI. We were also the first time with a boyfriend on the wall (I do not have a photo), and I spent the other time quite normally.